Another one of my favorite pieces from the Saatchi Gallery was a project called Un-Possible Retour by Clarrisse D'Arcimoles. The project is a series of photos that are restaged from old family photos. This must take a lot of planning and hours of shooting to get the exact replica and facial expressions, where as the original photos were a spontaneous moment in time. Clarrisse said that "A memory is never static, it changes as we grow, time becomes a creative space for evolution."

Clarrise's work reminded me of Irena Werning's Back to the Future series. I have come across Irena's work on several blogs recently, and I just love it. The project explores the relationship between our present and past selves. The attention to detail is incredible and the final pieces are also very funny. Below are a few examples of her work, look here to see the whole 'Back to the Future' series.

Another project which has the same obsession with nostalgia and revisiting the past is the Family Tree series by Bobby Neel Adams. His project shows the relationship between mother and daughter/ Father and son by superimposing photographs of their faces on top of each other. The project represents the strength of DNA.

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